Sunday, February 11, 2007

Of The Week That Was (And A Bunch Of Different People)

I was never particularly fond of her but now I’m beginning to think that she reciprocates the sentiment.

The tipping point was when things were said behind backs.

I’m trying to convince myself into overlooking my desire to be liked while standing behind the fact that I’ve held my end of the bargain.


I was baking a cake, but instead of soaking the bread part in milk, I soaked it in some sort of liquor which was incidentally stored in a milk carton and which made the cake spicy in the end.

I woke up.

Don’t know what to make of it all.


We weren’t shy about our accented English and the volume in which we spoke it.

Heads turned. Many strangers on the bus eavesdropped.

We didn’t care. At least she didn’t.

She’s cool in that way.


“What are you doing on Valentines? And I swear that wasn’t a line,” she said.


Following the “Breaking News” of Anna Nicole Smith’s death, CNN featured another update on Iraq.


It’s not hard to figure out why two others I know have fallen for her.


I went home with a headache but drank anyway.

It had been a year.

I brought it up for the first time. We both dismissed it quickly.


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